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Legal Information

As a local business providing taxi services from Nice Airport to Hyeres, we are committed to providing accurate and transparent legal information to our customers. Our legal information includes details about our company name, address, contact information, registration numbers, and legal structure. We also provide information on the use of personal data and cookies to ensure the privacy and security of our customers' information. Additionally, we are dedicated to resolving any disputes efficiently and offer access to the European Commission's online dispute resolution platform.

Company Details:
- Company Name: niceairporttohyeres
- Address: [Insert company address]
- Company Directors: [Insert directors' names]
- Phone: [Insert phone number]
- Fax: [Insert fax number]
- Email: [Insert email address]
- Registration Number: [Insert registration number]
- Tax Identification Number: [Insert tax ID]
- Legal Structure: [Insert legal structure]
- Capital Amount: [Insert capital amount]
- Regulatory Authority Contact: [Insert regulatory authority contact details]
- Hosting Provider: [Insert hosting provider name, address, and contact number]
- Personal Data Usage: We are committed to protecting the personal data of our customers and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.
- Cookie Usage: We use cookies to enhance the browsing experience of our website visitors.

Online Dispute Resolution:
The European Commission provides an online platform for dispute resolution, which can be accessed at Our customers are encouraged to utilize this platform for resolving any disputes. Additionally, customers have the option to contact the European Commission's arbitration board for conflict resolution. While we strive to address any concerns directly, we acknowledge and support the availability of these resolution mechanisms for our customers' convenience.

Contact Information:
Email: [Insert email address]
Phone: [Insert phone number]
Fax: [Insert fax number]
Address: [Insert company address]

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